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Duration of workouts: How long should your workout be?

Misconceptions about duration of workouts

When it comes to working out in the gym, more & more is better; at least that is the common thought. It kind of sounds logical, but unfortunately our bodies do not work like that & there’s plenty of evidence that proves that more is NOT better if you are looking to get bigger and stronger. We neglect the idea of overtraining & muscle breakdown which can, in fact, have horrible effects on building muscles. One reason time limits exist in the gym is to stop you from doing unnecessary or counterproductive exercises you shouldn’t be doing. Another reason is to ensure you are in the gym to train and not mess around or be distracted.

Secret to getting results

Keeping your workout short but intense is the biggest secret to getting results. To be able to come back to the gym stronger than last time, you must stimulate and NOT annihilate your muscles. An intense workout that takes 40 – 60 minutes is more than enough to get in all of your working sets and keeps you in the optimal time frame to maximize testosterone production. This time frame also effectively processes blood glucose which helps power the muscle cells for maximum performance.

Note: We are talking about building muscles here, and when we are trying to build muscles, the minimal effect of dose is what we are going after. However, training for muscle endurance or sport endurance is a different topic with a different training regime.

Note: People who take steroids/drugs have almost unlimited potential to train, so this applies to only those who train naturally or drug-free.

What are some signs of over-training?

Aim for ~40 minutes per workout. Prolonged soreness, muscle breakdown, irritability, fatigue, etc..

How do we avoid muscle breakdown and over-training?

By increasing your workout intensity and decreasing your workout length.


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