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A beginner's guide to supplements

Supplementation is a no-brainer when it comes to bodybuilding. With so many supplements to choose from nowadays, it's easy to be stuck in a dilemma by all the manufacturers, doses, types and false promises.

To keep you from feeling overwhelmed, we help break down the top supplements for beginners.

Before we move on to listing those basic supplements, you should know that the term 'supplement' is roughly defined as 'in addition to'. This means that supplements become most handy when you adhere to a balanced and well thought out diet that includes protein, carbs, healthy fats, and fiber. Without having a proper diet, the best supplements that exist in the world will not help you reach or speed up your goals.


What is whey protein?

Over the past decades, whey protein has dominated and established itself as the main commodity to any supplementation plan. Whey protein, in most cases, is blended with amino acids and BCAAs which are vital in the protein synthesis process to building new muscles. You see many people drinking whey protein shakes pre and (or) post working out and that is because whey protein is a fast acting protein that is absorbed quickly by the body due to its quick filtration processing and small molecular formation.

Timing & Dosage

Prime times agreed upon by most athletes would be post workout or at other times when getting a proper whole meal is difficult. For those who train first thing in the morning and don't want solid food in their stomachs, whey protein fits that criteria due to its fast digestion process.

Combined with your protein sources obtained from food, aim for 1g of protein for every pound of lean body weight.


Creatine is probably the most well researched and science backed supplement you can take. The science of creatine deals with energy and production, specifically in replenishing used energy.

Our bodies use the molecule ATP as our source of energy. However our muscles, unfortunately, prefers to keep the °ATP levels in the cell low because we use a lot of energy at once and this causes the cells to be acidic. This is where creatine kinase serves its function and combats this by keeping the level of acids in check through diminishing hydrogen ions when °ATP is used.

Timing & Dosage

What is the loading phase and should I do it?

The loading phase is taking more creatine in the first week than you would for the following weeks, however research has shown that there is no real significant benefit in doing so.

What is the recommended dose for taking creatine?

From 3 g to 5 g per day

When should I stop taking creatine?

Whenever you want!


L-Glutamine is an essential amino acid that is used in the biosynthesis of proteins in our bodies, especially in our musculoskeletal system. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid of the body; it is naturally produced in our muscles and then distributed through the blood to the organs which need it. Glutamine helps with the function of our gut, immune system, & many other essential processes in the body. Glutamine provides fuel through nitrogen and carbon to many different cells throughout the body. It is also needed within our internal system to form other chemicals such as amino acids and glucose.

Timing & Dosage

It is regularly recommended to use depending on how extreme your physical activities are. Typically, serious power athletes take up to 10 grams daily. However, 2 to 5 grams twice per day is more reasonable to the average athlete. Always consider consulting your doctor prior to usage.

Note: Vitamin B12 controls glutamine buildup in the body so it is a smart idea to include them in your supplementation.


What is BCAA?

BCAA stands for branched chain amino acids. They are essential amino acids. There are three types of essential amino acids which your body can neither make nor create but fortunately, you can find them in different kinds of foods.

Types of essential amino acids

  • Isoleucine: Helps with energy uptake and preserves protein breakdown.

  • Valine: Another type but holds no real significant value; it does what the other two do but not very good at it.

  • Leucine: The main BCAA! It helps increase insulin dose, preserve lean mass, and above all it activates °mTOR (boring definition @ end of post) which promotes muscle growth.

Timing & Dosage

Recommended dose: 5g - 20g per day is fine

The best time to take BCAA powder or tablets is either before working out, during or after.


Even though multivitamins are considered a boring supplement, it is still necessary! Getting certain amounts of minerals/vitamins is proven essential for optimal health. These nutrients are beneficial for numerous body processes and overall health balance.

For instance, magnesium helps the body get its appropriate rest while zinc helps repair muscle tissues.

Timing and Dosage

A brand mineral/multivitamin supplement will serve just fine. Look for one with 100% of necessary vitamins and minerals. Consuming too much will not help you get healthier. Follow the recommended doses on the supplement as these are probably your best option. Take your pills at night so you can give your body the time and rest it needs to repair day damage.

Reminder: Your multivitamins are used as an insurance to supplement your whole-food diet plan. It should not be used to substitute, in pill form, your original food sources.

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