What is protein synthesis & protein breakdown (catabolism)?
How to prevent protein breakdown and how to increase protein synthesis instead? Preventing post-workout protein breakdown can be summarized in one word: insulin. Before we discuss that, lets first understand what exactly is protein synthesis and protein catabolism.
-What is protein synthesis?
Protein synthesis is the process whereby biological cells generate new proteins; it is balanced by the loss of cellular proteins via degradation or export. -Wikipedia
-What is protein breakdown or catabolism?
Protein catabolism is the breakdown of proteins into amino acids and simple derivative compounds, for transport into the cell through the plasma membrane and ultimately for the polymerization into newproteins via the use of ribonucleic acids (RNA) and ribosomes. -Wikipedia
On to the insulin; the insulin hormone has a big impact on muscle-protein balance. According to old studies, it was not clear whether insulin directly impacted protein synthesis or breakdown. However, recent studies have shown that insulin is actually the main regulator of protein breakdown post-workout.
In May 1999, a published study indicated the following: *During rest times, high blood levels of insulin increased protein synthesis by up to ~65% while not altering with protein breakdown. *During the post-workout window, insulin infusion decreased breakdown down to ~30% with no change to protein synthesis. This is because when at rest, insulin was found to be anabolic while post-exercise insulin was anti-catabolic.
Is this a good thing?
Yes, because we can easily control our insulin levels. Getting our insulin levels higher after working out helps reduce muscle breakdown so that protein synthesis can dominate instead. Insulin also causes vasodilation (dilatation of blood vessels) which increases transportation of nutrients and blood to the cells in our muscles; protein, amino acids, carbs, etc.
How do we increase insulin intake post-workout?
Insulin levels are found to be increased when consuming protein with carbs than by consuming carbs alone. Also certain amino acids can increase insulin response to meals. Therefore, carbs + protein + amino acids = optimal post-workout insulin response.
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