7 Reasons You Aren't Losing Fat
We all felt the frustration and the confusion about what to do next. We even somehow feel that we simply aren't cut out to lose more weight or get leaner. One minute we are burning fat like champions and the next we are stuck.
If you are in this hole, you might need to look again at the basics of what you are doing and start from there.
Here are 7 reasons you could be wasting all your efforts to lose fat.
1. Too Much Cardio
Cardio is a great key to fat loss, we all know that. It improves overall health, stokes up your metabolism and increases blood circulation throughout the body. However, those of you who are practically living on a treadmill need to let it go because too much cardio will actually hinder your progress and will leave you depleted.
Instead, change up the style of cardio you regularly do. Try HIIT (High intensity interval training) for a more brutal workout.
2. Not Enough Protein
Not losing fat could be as simple as that: you are just not getting enough protein.
Protein isn't just for building muscles, it also serves to keep you metabolism in check and strengthen your immune system.
Make sure you eat enough of the following: fish, chicken, turkey, lean meat, eggs, whey protein, Greek yogurt, and so on. Eating adequate amounts of clean protein will prevent cravings and temptations.
3. Not Training Enough
Don’t get me wrong, if you are training 2 to 3 days a week it simply isn't enough for serious fat torching to occur. If you want to see quick results, consider 4 or 5 training days per week with 2 to 3 cardio sessions. Giving your metabolism that boost on most days of your week will without a doubt keep the fat burning process at maximum efficiency and will enable you to eat without starving yourself.
4. Training Too Much (Over-training)
Even though this contradicts with the previous point, it still is a scientific fact; you very much could be over-training. More cardio, more weight lifting, more hours or more days could all come crashing down on you one day. Just like with anything else in this world, moderation is the key here. Moderating your diet, training, cardio and rest hours is the best approach here. Make adjustments one at a time.
Read more on Duration of Workouts.
5. Not Utilizing your Calories
Eating the same foods and calorie intake every day and every night will simply bore your system. Our bodies are extremely adaptive and therefore they will gradually start to stall fat loss efforts and end your leaning up process. This is the perfect time to start manipulating your calories, try carb cycling or higher & lower calorie days (high on training days and low on rest days). This way you get to break the tediousness and start seeing results once again.
6. Not Eating Enough
The idea of starving yourself to lose weight is nothing but ridiculous. Even though caloric deficits are necessary at times, too little food will starve you and will slow down your metabolism which will bring your fat loss dreams to an end.
Keep your metabolism in check, cut out the junk and eat a well-balanced diet.
Make sure you are eating the right amount of calories that suit your goals.
7. Avoiding Fats
This is also another popular misconception.
You need fat! Why? Fats play very important roles but sadly our bodies cannot solely produce them and we must therefore source them from food. Building healthy cells, maintaining brain & nerve function, lowering risks of heart disease, protection from type-2 diabetes, Alzheimer's, breast cancer, depression, ADHD, and inflammatory diseases are only 'some' of the health benefits we get from those essential fats.
Shoot for healthy fats.
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