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Cardio - before or after workout?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions; a lot of opinions roam around this and it certainly is a debatable topic.

Cardio Before Workout vs Cardio After Workout

We know that weight training increases the size of our muscle cells by activating the mTOR enzyme. Conversely, aerobic exercise decreases the mass of our fat cells by triggering the AMPK enzyme (Activated Protein Kinase), which boosts the oxidization of fatty acids (fat loss). AMPK activity is increased during aerobic exercises and therefore, cardio after your weight session shuts down the mechanism of rebuilding muscle because of the signaling pathway mTor, which is the first step of protein synthesis. Although AMPK makes our bodies more efficient at burning fat, it also breaks down muscles. For this particular reason, many believe that extensive cardio after weight training isn't the best option to inflate muscularity.

Performing cardio before weights supports muscle growth. Since AMPK activation lasts approximately 1 hour after training, performing resistance training in that one hour window should, theoretically, prevent the simultaneous activation of mTOR and AMPK. However, completing cardio before weight training will have a negative impact on your ability to perform at your peak while weightlifting. According to researches, many have noticed fewer reps completed, power/velocity of lifts reduced, and heart rates heightened.


Cardio before weightlifting supports muscle growth but decreases your stamina and ability to maximize your efforts during your post weightlifting sessions. Cardio after weightlifting shuts down the signaling pathway mTOR but will allow you to perform at your best while lifting prior. Lots of athletes tried both methods and it seemed to work for all of them and that is because anyone who is strict with their nutrition, strength training, and cardiovascular exercises will most definitely notice superior gains.


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