HIIT vs Aerobic steady state cardio
First and foremost, cardio only speeds up fat loss; nutrition is the real key here. Excessive cardio, alone, burns muscles. Combining strength training & proper nutrition with cardio is much more effective in the bodybuilder's perspective to ensure maximum results.
Steady state cardio vs HIIT (High-Intensity interval training)
-A good example for steady state cardio would be jogging on a treadmill at a steady pace for 30 to 45 minutes. -A good example for HIIT would be alternating between steady jogging and high intensity sprinting for 15 minutes.
Steady state cardio will definitely burn fat and increase endurance overtime. However, there is no doubt that it becomes extremely boring especially when it is repetitive.
HIIT has been shown to make your body more effective at using fat as fuel. HIIT will burn more fat and will continue to burn fat for longer periods of time than steady state cardio would. It is also more fun and less-time consuming.
Which is best for you?
If you are new to the bodybuilding scene with say 20+% body fat, steady state cardio will physically and mentally be easier than HIIT since you do not have the desired level of fitness yet. It is also riskier since you are going at high intensities meaning you can easily get injured, but as time progresses you will build up the endurance to start incorporating HIIT.
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