Benefits of Casein Protein Powders
What is Casein protein?
Casein is a dairy protein that is very rich in amino acids and a byproduct of cheese. Casein makes up almost 80% of all proteins found in cow's milk. Those amino acids are high in essential aminos which are responsible for protein synthesis of the muscles.
Upon ingestion, casein slows down the rate of gastric emptying due to a clot formed in this stomach from the casein protein; this affects the rate of absorption of amino acids to blood stream. The resulting slow yet steady state flow of amino acids creates a prolonged rate of muscle protein synthesis and therefore making casein protein the ideal supplement to take before bed or simply on days in which you won't be able to refuel your body properly.
Just like whey protein, there are factors to consider before purchasing a casein protein supplement. The most common casein supplements are calcium caseinate, milk protein and micellar casein. However, the most effective is the micellar casein which, unlike whey protein, slows down the release of protein supplements in the body.
Whey Protein vs Casein Protein:
Choosing between whey protein and casein protein should absolutely not create a conflict because even though both are similar their amino acid profile, their only difference is in the rate of absorption & digestion.
Supplementing with both protein types helps you get the benefits of both ends of the spectrum.
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