How many eggs per day? ( Cholesterol Levels )
We all know that the main concern is the cholesterol.
Egg yolks contain 185 mg or 62% of the recommended daily amount per day, while egg whites contain 0 mg.
Cholesterol is found in particles called lipoproteins & are carried through blood vessels. The two types of lipoproteins that carry cholesterol to and from cells are low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Those two along with 1/5 of your triglyceride level makes up your total cholesterol count through a blood test.
LDL vs HDL cholesterol
LDLs are considered the bad guys, since high concentrations will build up plaques that clog arteries in your blood vessels & may lead to coronary heart diseases. Moreover, HDL are the good guys because they clear out LDLs from the arteries by sending them back to the liver where it is broken down and passed as waste. Consuming eggs have shown to increase LDL simultaneously with HDL and thus balancing the cholesterol scale. Your body is good at adapting to your cholesterol intake levels and according to studies, subjects who ate excess cholesterol maintained their cholesterol & lipoprotein levels. Consuming more cholesterol will make your body produce less of its own & vice versa.
However, if you are already diagnosed with coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, or basically have an overall bad diet then you will have to be a bit more careful with egg yolks or anything that contain LDLs.
Eggs & Bodybuilders:
It makes sense that pro bodybuilders remove them from their diets because they consume 8-10 eggs per day (1480 mg - 1850 mg cholesterol) or because yolks are much denser in calories when compared to whites(~55 to ~17). Otherwise, it would be ridiculous to completely exclude them; you would be missing out on essential nutrients such as: Calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, thiamine, B5,6,9,12 vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin K, omega-3 fatty acids, choline, & leucine.
How many egg yolks per day?
The science is clear that up to 2 or 3 whole eggs are perfectly safe for healthy people who eat healthy.
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