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Cheat day vs Refeed day: Diet and Nutrition

What is a cheat day?

Cheat day is simply an excuse for people to gorge on foods that are typically unhealthy.

What is a refeed day?

Refeed day, on the other hand, is a short-term and planned strategic period of overfeeding on healthy nutrients; carbohydrates in particular.

A refeed day will boost leptin, the hormone of energy disbursement. Leptin helps to regulate energy balance by hindering hunger. Leptin is opposed by the actions of the hormone ghrelin, the "hunger hormone".

It makes sense that in a prolonged fat loss phase, leptin levels drop because the body is attempting to spare body fat; this is when carefully planned refeeding can raise leptin levels so that one continues to optimally burn fat.

  • If you are below 10% body fat, you should know that refeeding is a wise idea to incorporate around 2 times a week.

  • If you are in the 10-15% range, you should refeed every ~10 days.

  • If you are above 15%, refeeding will not be as noteworthy. Nevertheless, it should be included every once in a while.

Clearly, the more lean you are the more you will have to incorporate refeed days.

How to plan refeed days?

  • During refeed days, try to keep your fat intake very low as high insulin levels will increase dietary fat transportation into adipose tissues. This will decrease the opportunity of fat storage. Fat along with fructose have little to no impact on leptin levels.

  • Reduce your typical protein intake to around 1 gram per pound of body weight.

  • Increase calories to maintenance level, or more depending on your body type, and double up on your carbs intake.

  • Since refeed day will put the body in an anabolic state, it is wise to refeed on the day you work on your worst or weakest body part.

This short-term boost in carbohydrates will help store carbohydrates in your muscles for better upcoming training days. Focus on consuming those carbs either before or after your workout sessions.

Take home notes

Cheat days will benefit you mentally.

Refeed days will benefit you physically.


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