What is Creatine? Why do most athletes use it?
What is Creatine?
Creatine is probably the most well researched and science backed supplement you can take. The science of creatine deals with energy and production, specifically in replenishing used energy. Our bodies use the molecule °ATP (definition @ end of post) as our source of energy. However our muscles, unfortunately, prefers to keep the °ATP levels in the cell low because we use a lot of energy at once and this causes the cells to be acidic. This is where creatine kinase serves its function and combats this by keeping the level of acids in check through diminishing hydrogen ions when °ATP is used.
Even though your body is able to naturally synthesize creatine from the breakdown of amino acids such as Glycine and Arginine, studies have shown that taking creatine can be favorable especially with expanding power output. More benefits of creatine include replenishing glycogen which is necessary for energy production, decreasing fatigue, and reducing depression. Human trials improved power output of up to 25% after taking creatine.
Does creatine increase muscle mass?
No, at least not directly. However, creatine will provide you with more energy which provides a greater boost for muscle protein synthesis; retaining water makes the muscles seem bigger without actually adding more mass.
What is the loading phase and should I do it?
The loading phase is taking more creatine in the first week than you would for the following weeks, however research has shown that there is no real significant benefit in doing so.
What is the recommended dose for taking creatine?
From 3 g to 5 g per day
When should I stop taking creatine?
Whenever you want.
°ATP = Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP for short, is the energy currency of life. ATP is a high-energy molecule found in every cell. Its job is to store and supply the cell with needed energy.
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